Did you know… We offer Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)?

This is the leading and evidenced backed trauma modality that may be what you never know you needed!


Understanding Trauma: Have I Been Through Trauma?

Although trauma provides complex responses, the definition is actually quite simple. Trauma is anything that shocks the nervous system and body.

What this means is that trauma may be stored in your body from events that may be harder to identify, or from events that you have pushed off to be ‘not important’ (also a trauma response!). Whether you have experienced a large traumatic incident, or consistent micro-pains, the somatic impact can be similar.

Signs You May be Experiencing Trauma:

o Feeling on guard and hypervigilant
o Avoiding people, places, and things that bring up distressing memories
o Isolating from friends and family
o Feeling a sense of guilt, shame and self-blame
o Emotional numbness and dissociation
o Difficulty connecting to self & making decisions
o Lack of motivation and desire for things you love
o Brain fog and difficulty concentrating
o Constantly seeking reassurance
o Going into investigation mode
o Feeling on edge, jumpy & easily startled
o Consistent nightmares
o Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships
o Relying on external factors for coping (food, alcohol, drugs)
o Codependency in relationships
o Difficulty retaining memories

PTSD Trauma Counselling Vancouver
PTSD Trauma Counselling Vancouver

Trauma Counselling: How We Can Support You

The foundation of trauma-processing is reconnecting to safety and regaining a sense of control. In a traumatic event our body will override everything and anything to create coping strategies to get us to physical and psychological safety. In our work we will first and foremost prioritize creating a sense of safety in the therapeutic setting. You will be in the driver seat. You will never be forced to share any detail or experience, you will process on your own terms.

Once safety is established, you will learn how trauma is being stored in your body, and the effects it has had on your daily life. We will use self-compassion to help you reconnect to the most important person in your life- you. When the time feels right, new coping tools will be introduced to help you reprogram your brain and settle your nervous system.

Ultimately, you will learn to create new life experiences around your trauma in the hopes of creating a life that feels more manageable and fulfilling. If you welcome us, we will guide you to the inner peace your mind and body deserves.



Interested in Trauma Counselling & EMDR Therapy in Vancouver?

Please book a complimentary consultation with one of our trauma-informed therapists. They will offer you supportive space to work through these challenging feelings to regain a sense of safety.