EMDR Therapy Vancouver Offerings & Support:

What is Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy?

This evidence-based modality was developed for clients who have experienced trauma. Trauma is often not processed properly in the brain and can become stored in an isolated memory network. Everything we need to solve what happened is stored in another area of the brain that we do not have access to after a traumatic event. EMDR allows us to link these areas of the brain through bilateral stimulation so we can access the stored information and this memory network to find resolution, separating the emotion from the traumatic event and dislodging any emotions that may have been stored in the body.

How does EMDR Therapy Work?

Bilateral stimulation is the process of stimulating the left-side and right-side body back and forth continuously at an even pace, initially with the eyes. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to help clients relax their mind, body, and nervous system enough so they can safely and healthily reprocess a traumatic event. As EMDR has grown in popularity, many additional types of bilateral stimulation other than eye movements have been developed, including crossbody touches, taps or tones. 

EMDR Therapy in Vancouver will be beneficial for you if you:

  • Have experienced a traumatic event that needs processing

  • If you have disturbing recurring memories you cannot shake

  • Feel blocked in your personal growth due to past experiences

  • Experience anxious thoughts or depressive symptoms

  • Have deep rooted fears or phobias

  • Feel disconnected from your emotions or sense of self

  • Have been diagnosed with PTSD or are starting to exhibit PTSD symptoms

  • Feel challenged to achieve optimal performance due to anxiety & self-doubt

  • Are stuck in negative patterns of thinking, feeling, & behaving

  • Have distressed or intrusive thoughts, nightmares, or flashbacks

  • Feel limited in your ability to cope with stress & adversity

How does EMDR Therapy Vancouver support trauma processing?

Human beings typically go into Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn mode to protect themselves through highly stressful events, meaning our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for rationalization, reasoning, and consequences, shuts off. When the prefrontal cortex is offline we may block some parts of the experience out or have a difficult time processing exactly what happened. This inability to properly process a traumatic event can result in negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs or body sensations that are stored within us. EMDR helps greatly reduce or potentially eliminate the stored negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and body sensations associated with the stressful event. The bilateral stimulation helps to keep the brain online and the nervous system calms in order to help the client reprocess the traumatic event in a safe way. 

Through EMDR Therapy in Vancouver you can expect to:

  • Experience trauma processing & resolution

  • Reduce the symptoms you are feeling related to a past or present traumatic event

  • Remove emotional blocks related to your current triggers

  • Develop a sense of self-empowerment & self-efficacy

  • Improve interpersonal relationships to enhance communication, connection, and the ability to trust others.

  • Increase your self-awareness and insight to the connections between past experiences, present emotions, and behaviors.

  • Develop emotional regulation techniques to better manage your emotions in response to triggers & stressors.

What’s so great about EMDR Therapy?

EMDR is a safe and controlled way of accessing adaptive information that may be stored away in the subconscious mind to promote healing for those who have experienced trauma. EMDR cannot help us to ‘forget’ the traumatic event, but it can help to significantly reduce the emotional charge we associate with that particular memory. EMDR operates under the principle that the subconscious mind will bring forth whatever it needs in order to heal; therefore, there are no right or wrong answers! EMDR can help to reduce the emotional disturbance that a person experiences daily.

How many sessions will EMDR Therapy take?

EMDR can take anywhere from 3-20 sessions depending on the individual, but the average person will likely need 10-15 sessions; however, each client’s specific EMDR needs will greatly vary depending on multiple factors. Clients interested in EMDR should book a consultation or discuss this course of treatment with their EMDR-trained clinician directly for a more accurate estimation. Consistent sessions are strongly recommended as triggers may temporarily intensify so it is important to talk to your therapist about the frequency and cadence of appointments.

It's important to note that the specific outcomes of EMDR therapy can vary depending on the individual's unique circumstances and therapeutic goals. Working with a trained EMDR therapist can help identify and address the specific areas of growth and healing that are most relevant to each client.

If you have experienced trauma and live in Vancouver, Victoria, or throughout British Columbia we can support you through EMDR Therapy and Counselling.

Service Fee: $165- $175/hr (therapist dependent)

Therapist Trained in EMDR: Robyn Bryson & Ambreen Kaur